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realvirtual Namespace Reference

game4automation namespace More...


class  AutoConnectBase
class  AutoConnectExample
class  AutoSaveOnRunMenuItem
 The class is automatically saving the scene when run is started in the Unity editor. It can be turned off by the toggle in the game4automation menu. More...
class  BaseCAM
 This is the base class for all Game4Automation Sensor objects. More...
class  BaseDrive
 This is the base class for all Game4Automation Drive objects. More...
class  BaseGrip
 This is the base class for all Game4Automation Grip objects. More...
class  BasePath
 Game4Automation Simulation - the base class of all Pathes. More...
class  BaseSensor
 This is the base class for all Game4Automation Sensor objects. More...
class  BaseSource
 This is the base class for all Game4Automation Source objects. More...
class  BaseTransportSurface
 This is the base class for all Game4Automation Sensor objects. More...
class  BehaviorInterface
 Base class for all behavior models with connection to PLC signals. More...
class  BehaviorInterfaceConnection
 Class for saving the connection data - the signal and the name of the property where the signal is attached to. More...
class  ButtonEventOnClick
 Unity event when clicking on GenericButton. More...
class  CAD
 CAD and Metadata information on Gameobjects, used for Updating CAD Data. More...
class  CADChecker
 Checks the Mesh Data. More...
class  CADLink
 Interface for importing CAD Data (Step and 3MF) More...
class  CADMeshTools
class  CADUpdater
 Updates old CAD data against new ones. Both (old and new) need to be included in one scene. More...
class  CAM
 CAM for moving drives based on CAM profiles. More...
class  CameraDirector
 Small tool for controlling cameras if Cinemachine is used. More...
class  CameraPos
 Scriptable object for saving camera positions (user views) More...
class  CameraPosition
 Saves the camera position for game view. More...
class  CameraPositionEditor
 Editor class for Get Position and SetPosition of CameraPosition. More...
class  CAMTime
 CAM for moving drives based on CAM profiles. More...
class  Chain
 Chain for moving objects and MUs on spline curves. More...
class  ChainElement
 An element which is transported by a chain (moving along the spline on the chain) More...
class  Connection
 Class for saving connection information for signal - Behavior where signal is connected tp and property where signal is connected to. More...
class  ConnectSignal
 Behavior model which is just connecting an PLCOutput to an PLCInput. More...
class  ControlLogic
 Base Class for all controll logics in the model. This base clased is used for displaying the type in the game4automation hierarchy window. More...
class  CSYS
class  CustomHierarchyView
class  DemoGame4AutomationTwinCATReset
class  DemoGripRobot
class  DemoImportRuntime
class  DemoMoveCubeWithDelegate
class  DemoMoveCubeWithNodeScript
class  DemoRDKControl
class  DemoReadNodeNotRecommended
class  DemoTextWithDelegate
class  DemoWriteNodeToServer
class  DemoWriteValueWithNodeScriptOnGameObject
class  DensoInterface
class  DensoTools
class  Distribution
class  Drive
 The drive is moving components including all sub components along the local axis of the game object. More...
class  Drive_ContinousDestination
 Behavior model of an intelligent drive which is getting a destination and moving to the destination. More...
class  Drive_Cylinder
 Behavior model of a cylinder movement which can be connected to a Drive. More...
class  Drive_DestinationMotor
 Behavior model of an intelligent drive which is getting a destination and moving to the destination. More...
class  Drive_ErraticPosition
 This drive is only for test purposes. It is moving constantly two erratic positions between MinPos and MaxPos. More...
class  Drive_FollowPosition
 Behavior model of a drive where the drive is exactly following the current given position of the PLC This is special useful for connecting motion controllers and robot controllers torealvirtual. More...
class  Drive_Gear
 Behavior model of a drive which is connected to another drive with a gear. More...
class  Drive_Sequence
 Defines sequentially movement of drives which can set signals or be started by signals. More...
class  Drive_Simple
 Behavior model of a cylinder movement which can be connected to a Drive. More...
class  Drive_Speed
 Behavior model of an intelligent drive which is getting a destination and moving to the destination. More...
class  DriveHandle
 Class for displaying the drive handle in Unity Editor in Scene View during edit and play mode With the drive handle the drive directions can be defined and the drive can moved manually during playmode. More...
class  DrivePulseEncoder
class  DrivesRecorder
class  DrivesRecording
class  EditorGizmoOptions
class  EthernetIPInterface
class  EthernetIPSignal
class  EventMUGrip
class  FirstPersonController
class  Fixer
 The Fixer is able to fix Mus as Subcomponents to any Gameobject where the Fixer is attached. More...
class  ForceDrive
 Moves Rigidbodies based on joints and forces. More...
class  Game4AutomationEventDoubleClicked
class  Game4AutomationEventGameobjectSensor
class  Game4AutomationEventHovered
class  Game4AutomationEventLongPressed
class  Game4AutomationEventMouseDownOnObject
class  Game4AutomationEventMU
class  Game4AutomationEventMUDelete
class  Game4AutomationEventMultiSelect
class  Game4AutomationEventMultiSelectEmpty
class  Game4AutomationEventMUSensor
class  Game4AutomationEventSelected
class  GameAutomationEventBlockRotation
class  GenericButton
class  Global
class  Grip
 Grip is used for fixing MUs to components which are moved by Drives. More...
class  Grip_SingleIO
class  Gripper
 The Gripper is a full Gripper controll. More...
class  Group
 Adds this Gameobject to a defined group. Is used for filtering the View or for defining a new kinematic structure with Kinematic script. More...
class  GuidedMU
class  GuideLine
class  HelloWindow
class  HierarchyDisplay
class  HMI
 Base class for all HMI elements. More...
class  HMI_ContentPosition
 Adjust the position of the UI element to the position of the object in the scene. More...
class  HMI_Controller
 CameraController is a component to control the cinemachine cameras used by HMI-elements. More...
class  HMI_DropDown
 HMI prefab to generate a drop down menu with a list of options. More...
class  HMI_Marker
 HMI element to display a marker. More...
class  HMI_MenueItem
 HMI menu item for a single action. More...
class  HMI_Message
 HMI element to display messages. More...
class  HMI_MouseAreaCtrl
 Class to handle the interaction with the UI. More...
class  HMI_Pushbutton
 HMI element for a push button. More...
class  HMI_Slider
 class to define a HMI slider More...
class  HMI_Switch
 Class for the HMI switch. More...
class  HMI_Tab
 HMI_Tab is a container for HMI_Elements. More...
class  HMI_Text
 HMI text element. More...
class  HMI_Value
 HMI element to display a float or int value. More...
class  Hotkeys
interface  IChain
interface  IChainElement
interface  IFix
interface  IGuide
interface  IGuidedSurface
class  IKPath
 Robot Inverse Kinematics - the path interpolation for driving the robot along different targets which are forming a path
class  IKPathDrawerHelper
class  IKPathEditor
class  IKTarget
 Robot Inverse Kinematics - a target of the robot - the position and rotation of this gameobject transform. More...
class  IKTargetEditor
class  Inspector
class  InspectorController
class  Interact3D
 Adds buttons or Lights which can be connected to Signals tp a 3D scene. More...
class  InterfaceBaseClass
class  InterfaceSHMBaseClass
 Base class for all types of shared memory interfaces (even with different structure as simit like the plcsimadvanced interface. More...
class  InterfaceSignal
class  InterfaceThreadedBaseClass
class  IPAddress
interface  ISelectable
interface  ISignalInterface
interface  ISourceCreated
 Interface for Event Method by Source. On SourceCreated is called on all components implementing ISourceCreated. More...
interface  IUISkinEdit
class  Kinematic
 Kinematic helper for changing the kinematic during simulation starts This helps to use existing non changed CAD date in Game4Automation. More...
class  Lamp
 Lamp for displaying a lamp in the scene. More...
class  Lamp_Connection
 PLC Inputs and Outputs for a Lamp. Can be added to the Lamp component. More...
class  LightGroup
 The LightGroup is used to be able to set centralized multiple lights. More...
class  LogicStep
class  LogicStep_CinemachineCamera
class  LogicStep_Delay
class  LogicStep_DriveTo
class  LogicStep_Enable
class  LogicStep_JumpOnSignal
class  LogicStep_SetSignalBool
class  LogicStep_StartDriveSpeed
class  LogicStep_StartDriveTo
class  LogicStep_WaitForDrivesAtTarget
class  LogicStep_WaitForSensor
class  LogicStep_WaitForSignalBool
class  MaterialChanger
class  MaterialPalet
class  MaterialUpdateMapping
class  MaterialUpdateSettings
class  MaterialWindow
 Class to handle the creation of the game4automation menu. More...
class  Measure
 Measure is able to measure disctace between PivotPoints during Edit mode and during Simulation. Measured distance can be written to a PLCInputFloat Signal. More...
class  MeasureForce
class  MeasurePLCCycleTime
class  MeasureRaycast
 MeasureRaycast is able to measure distance between this objects pivot point and a collider on a defined layer. More...
class  MeasureTool
 Class to handle the creation of the realvirtual menu. More...
class  MeshCombine
class  meshGizmo
class  ModbusData
class  ModbusInterface
class  MoveMU
class  MovePivotTool
 Class to handle the creation of the realvirtual menu. More...
class  MQTTInterface
 MQTT Interface with security (username and password), TLS, supports Websocket, MQTT3.1.1, MQTT5. More...
class  MU
 Base class for free movable Unity (MU). MUs can be picked or loaded and they can be placed on Transport Surfaces. MUs are created by a Source and deleted by a Sink. More...
class  MuRecorder
class  MuRecording
class  MuRecordingHandle
class  MyAllPostprocessor
class  ObjectSelection
 class for highlighing objects in runtime (game mode) by changing materials and saving the original materials More...
class  ObjExporter
class  ObjExporterScript
class  OnSensorCameraOnMu
class  OPCUA_Interface
class  OPCUA_Node
 OPCUA Node Unity Script Represents an OPCUA node, holds the Nodes Attributes and Reads and Writes nodes values. More...
class  OPCUAInterfaceEditor
 OPCUAInterface Editor class for the Unity Inspector window. More...
class  OPCUANodeEditor
 OPCUA_Node Editor class for the Unity Inspector window. More...
class  OPCUANodeSubscription
 OPC Node subscription class for active subscriptions. More...
class  OrthoViewController
class  PartChanger
 The PartChanger is used for changing the visual appearance of parts. More...
class  Pattern
class  PerformanceOptimizer
 The performance optimizer combines meshes into one mesh per kinematic group. This will improve performance of the simulation. More...
class  PixyzImporter
 Helper to import CAD Data with PIXYZ intorealvirtual. Needs to be used together with CADUpdater. More...
class  PlannerAttributes
class  PLC_BoxConveyor
 PLC Script for the game4automation demo model. More...
class  PLC_CanConveyor
 PLC Script for the game4automation demo model. More...
class  PLC_Handling
 PLC Script for the game4automation demo model. More...
class  PLC_Robot
 PLC Script for the game4automation demo model. More...
class  PLCInputBool
 PLC BOOL INPUT Signal. More...
class  PLCInputFloat
 PLC FLOAT INPUT Signal. More...
class  PLCInputInt
 PLC INT INPUT Signal. More...
class  PLCInputText
 PLC BOOL INPUT Signal. More...
class  PLCInputTransform
 PLC INT INPUT Signal. More...
class  PLCOutputBool
 PLC BOOL Output Signal. More...
class  PLCOutputFloat
 PLC FLOAT Output Signal. More...
class  PLCOutputInt
 PLC INT Output Signal. More...
class  PLCOutputText
 PLC INT Output Signal. More...
class  PLCOutputTransform
class  QualityToggleChange
class  QuickEdit
 Quick Edit Overlay Window with Buttons in Scene view.
class  QuickEditMenuItem
 The class is automatically saving the scene when run is started in the Unity editor. It can be turned off by the toggle in the game4automation menu. More...
class  ReadOnlyAttribute
class  ReadOnlyDrawer
class  realvirtualBehavior
 This is the base class for all Game4Automation objects. This base clase is providing some additional scripts and properties for all components. More...
class  realvirtualController
 This object needs to be in every game4automation scene. It controls main central data (like scale...) and manages main game4automation settings for the scene. More...
class  realvirtualEventMUCreated
class  RealVirtualHMIEvent
class  realvirtualToolbar
class  realvirtualUI
class  realvirtualVersion
class  RecalculateMeshNormals
class  RecordingHandle
class  ReplayRecording
class  ResetSignal
 Behavior model which is just connecting an PLCOutput to an PLCInput. More...
class  RoboDKInterface
 This is the first version of the RoboDK integration. More...
class  RoboDKTarget
struct  RobotArea
class  RobotIK
 Robot Inverse Kinematics - the main IK component attached to the robot and calculating the inverse kinematics. More...
struct  RobotSafetyArea
class  RuntimeSelection
class  rvInspectorButton
class  rvPlanner
class  S7Interface
 S7 interface for connecting to Siemens S7 PLCs via TCPIP. More...
class  S7InterfaceSignal
class  SceneInfo
class  SceneMouseNavigation
 Controls the Mouse and Touch navigation in Game mode. More...
class  SceneStats
class  SelectionRaycast
 Selection Raycast for selecting objects during runtime. More...
class  SelectionWindow
class  SelectionWindowSettings
class  Sensor
 The sensor is used for detecting MUs. More...
class  Sensor_Standard
 The Sensor_Standard component is providing the Sensor behavior and connection to the PLC inputs and outputs. More...
class  SettingsController
struct  SettingsSignal
 Struct for Settings of Signals. More...
struct  SHMSignal
 Struct for an SHM Signal. More...
class  Signal
 The base class for all Signals. More...
class  SignalChart
 Behavior model which is just connecting an PLCOutput to an PLCInput. More...
class  SignalEvent
class  SignalInspectorWindow
class  SignalManager
class  SimpleJoint
 Simplifies usage of Joints. More...
class  SimulinkInterface
 Shared memory interface for an interface based on Siemens Simit shared memory structure (see Simit documentation) More...
class  Sink
 Sink to destroy objects in the scene. More...
class  SinkEventOnDestroy
class  Sound
class  Source
 The Source is generating MUs during simulation time. More...
class  StartCameraPosition
class  StartDemoSceneHMI
class  StartDriveOnCondition
struct  StatusBool
 Struct for current status of a bool signal. More...
struct  StatusFloat
 Struct for current status of a float signal. More...
struct  StatusInt
 Struct for current status of a omt signal. More...
struct  StatusText
 Struct for current status of a text signal. More...
struct  StatusTransform
 Struct for current status of a bool signal. More...
class  TestSignalChanged
class  TextTimer
class  ThreeMFPart
class  ToggleButton
class  ToolbarLogoButton
class  ToolbarScaler
class  TouchInteraction
 Controls touch interaction during game4automation simulation / play mode. More...
class  TransportGuided
class  TransportSurface
 Transport Surface - this class is needed together with Drives to model conveyor systems. More...
class  TransportsurfaceCollider
 The drive is moving components including all sub components along the local axis of the game object. More...
class  TwinCatAdsInterface
 TwinCAT ADS interface to Beckhoff PLCs (real and virtual) More...
class  TwinCATCommandReadSmybol
class  TwinCATCommandSubscribe
class  TwinCATCommandWriteBool
class  TwinCATCommandWriteFloat
class  TwinCATCommandWriteInt
class  TwinCATCommandWriteText
class  TwinCATError
class  TwinCATHMIInterface
 TwinCAT HMI Interface which is communicating over WebSockets. Thus this interface also works in WebGL Builds. TwinCAT HMI Server needs to be installed on the PLC side for using this interface. More...
class  TwinCATReadSymbol
class  TwinCATSignal
class  TwinCATSignalReadEvent
class  TwinCATSubscribe
class  TwinCATWriteBool
class  TwinCATWriteFloat
class  TwinCATWriteInt
class  TwinCATWriteText
class  UIButton
 Pushbutton that can be connected to a PLCInput. More...
class  UIButtonClick
class  UILamp
 UI Lamp component that can be connected to a PLCOutput. More...
class  UIMessage
 Modal UI Message box which can be opened by a PLC signal. Can be used for example for displaying warnings. More...
class  UIMessageBox
 Displays a message box with a text field in the middle of the gameview. More...
class  UIPanelRow
class  UnFixer
 The Fixer is able to fix Mus as Subcomponents to any Gameobject where the Fixer is attached. More...
class  UniversalRobotsInterface
class  UpdateScene2022
class  VirtualCameraController
class  WindowController
 Controls floating windows during simulation / gamemode for hierarchy / inspector and automation UI display. More...
struct  ZeroOneTransition


enum  CamFileType
enum  SignatureAlgorithm
 Lamp color enum.
enum  LightGroupEnum
enum  CADStatus
enum  ButtonColor
enum  MessageTypes


delegate void NodeUpdateDelegate (OPCUANodeSubscription sub, object value)

Detailed Description

Interface for all Classes which are Fixing components (currently Grip and Fixer)

Universal robots interface for communication with URSIM via RTDE.