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Precio neto, más IVA.

Marco básico completo de

Interfaz TCP-IP Siemens S7 incluida

Acceso también a controladores hardware de Siemens (S7-300, S7-400, S7-1200, S7-1500, Sinumerik y Simotion) Profesional


Precio neto, más IVA.

Apoyo preferente

Marco básico completo de

Interfaz CADLink basada en los formatos STEP y 3MF

Interfaz TCP-IP Siemens S7 incluida

Acceso a controladores hardware de Siemens (S7-300, S7-400, S7-1200, S7-1500, Sinumerik y Simotion)

Además, cliente OPC UA, Simit, PLCSimAdvanced, RoboDK, Modbus, TwinCAT, ABB RobotStudio, interfaz FMU/FMI, MQTT, EthernetIP e interfaz UniversalRobots.

Programación visual con PlayMaker Simulación


Precio neto, más IVA.

Biblioteca paramétrica de tecnología de transporte

Simulación y puesta en servicio virtual

Starter o Profesional requerido como base

Simulación física de la tecnología de transporte

Simulación basada en trayectorias para sistemas AGV


Código fuente abierto y ampliable

Transportador lineal, transportador curvo (cinta/rodillo)

Rodillos direccionales y expulsor de cadena

Clasificador de zapatos y clasificador de cinta cruzada

Línea y curva (basada en la trayectoria)

Fuente, fregadero

Investigación y educación


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Apoyo preferente

Para institutos, grupos de estudiantes, aulas 20 licencias profesionales Game4Automation (incluyendo CADLink, OPCUA, TwinCAT, etc.)

Interfaz STEP CAD

Sólo para investigación y educación

Formación y servicios

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Comparación de versiones Simulation
Use caseTrial, simple projectsDigital Twins, Machine Simulation, Virtual Commissioning, Realt Time 3D HMIs for MachinesMaterial flow simulation of intralogistic systems(AGVs, Power & Free, Conveyors)
Number of user (seats)111
For commercial usage
PrerequisitesUnity 6Unity 6Unity 6 + realvirtual Starter or Professional
3D CAD Import
Import STEP files--
Import 3MF files--
Selection Window for working with big CAD Assemblies--
CAD Checker to optimize performance--
Automation Interfaces
Siemens S7 Interface (TCP/IP)-
Igus Rebel Interface
Beckhoff TwinCAT ADS Interface--
OPC UA Client Interface--
PLCSim Advanced Interface--
Simit Interface-
Robot Simulation with RoboDK Interface--
MQTT Interface--
Universal Robots Interface--
EthernetIP Interface--
Modbus Server Interface--
ABB Robot Studio Interface--
Denso Robotics Interface--
Standard functions
Scripting with C#
Visual Scripting with PlayMaker-
Drives and Drive behavior models-
Sensors and Sensor behavior models-
UI Buttons and Lamps-
Transport Surfaces-
Gripping and aligning parts-
Hierarchy Window Icons-
3D mouse scene navigation-
Mouse scene navigation-
Touch scene navigation-
Simulation functions
Visual Editor for Simulation Pathes--
Linear, Circular, Spline Pathes--
Station (Work, Load, Unload)--
Flexible Path Logics--
Linear, Circular, Spline Pathes--
Simulation of conveyors-, power & free- and AGV systems--
Conveyor Library
Straight Belt Conveyor--
Curve Belt Conveyor--
Straight Roller Conveyor--
Curve Roller Conveyor--
Random source--
Guide Rolls--
Chain Transfer--
Snap Points--

Comparación de versiones Starter
Use caseTrial, simple projects
Number of user (seats)1
For commercial usage
PrerequisitesUnity 6
3D CAD Import
Import STEP files-
Import 3MF files-
Selection Window for working with big CAD Assemblies-
CAD Checker to optimize performance-
Automation Interfaces
Siemens S7 Interface (TCP/IP)
Beckhoff TwinCAT ADS Interface-
OPC UA Client Interface-
PLCSim Advanced Interface-
Simit Interface
Robot Simulation with RoboDK Interface-
MQTT Interface-
Universal Robots Interface-
EthernetIP Interface-
Modbus Server Interface-
ABB Robot Studio Interface-
Denso Robotics Interface-
Standard functions
Scripting with C#
Visual Scripting with PlayMaker-
Drives and Drive behavior models
Sensors and Sensor behavior models
UI Buttons and Lamps
Transport Surfaces
Gripping and aligning parts
Hierarchy Window Icons
3D mouse scene navigation
Mouse scene navigation
Touch scene navigation
Simulation functions
Visual Editor for Simulation Pathes-
Linear, Circular, Spline Pathes-
Station (Work, Load, Unload)-
Flexible Path Logics-
Linear, Circular, Spline Pathes-
Simulation of conveyors-, power & free- and AGV systems-
Conveyor Library
Straight Belt Conveyor-
Curve Belt Conveyor-
Straight Roller Conveyor-
Curve Roller Conveyor-
Random source-
Guide Rolls-
Chain Transfer-
Snap Points- Professional
Use caseDigital Twins, Machine Simulation, Virtual Commissioning, Realt Time 3D HMIs for Machines
Number of user (seats)1
For commercial usage
PrerequisitesUnity 6
3D CAD Import
Import STEP files
Import 3MF files
Selection Window for working with big CAD Assemblies
CAD Checker to optimize performance
Automation Interfaces
Siemens S7 Interface (TCP/IP)
Beckhoff TwinCAT ADS Interface
OPC UA Client Interface
PLCSim Advanced Interface
Simit Interface
Robot Simulation with RoboDK Interface
MQTT Interface
Universal Robots Interface
EthernetIP Interface
Modbus Server Interface
ABB Robot Studio Interface
Denso Robotics Interface
Standard functions
Scripting with C#
Visual Scripting with PlayMaker
Drives and Drive behavior models
Sensors and Sensor behavior models
UI Buttons and Lamps
Transport Surfaces
Gripping and aligning parts
Hierarchy Window Icons
3D mouse scene navigation
Mouse scene navigation
Touch scene navigation
Simulation functions
Visual Editor for Simulation Pathes-
Linear, Circular, Spline Pathes-
Station (Work, Load, Unload)-
Flexible Path Logics-
Linear, Circular, Spline Pathes-
Simulation of conveyors-, power & free- and AGV systems-
Conveyor Library
Straight Belt Conveyor-
Curve Belt Conveyor-
Straight Roller Conveyor-
Curve Roller Conveyor-
Random source-
Guide Rolls-
Chain Transfer-
Snap Points- Simulation
Use caseMaterial flow simulation of intralogistic systems(AGVs, Power & Free, Conveyors)
Number of user (seats)1
For commercial usage
PrerequisitesUnity 6 + realvirtual Starter or Professional
3D CAD Import
Import STEP files-
Import 3MF files-
Selection Window for working with big CAD Assemblies-
CAD Checker to optimize performance-
Automation Interfaces
Siemens S7 Interface (TCP/IP)-
Beckhoff TwinCAT ADS Interface-
OPC UA Client Interface-
PLCSim Advanced Interface-
Simit Interface-
Robot Simulation with RoboDK Interface-
MQTT Interface-
Universal Robots Interface-
EthernetIP Interface-
Modbus Server Interface-
ABB Robot Studio Interface-
Denso Robotics Interface-
Standard functions
Scripting with C#
Visual Scripting with PlayMaker
Drives and Drive behavior models-
Sensors and Sensor behavior models-
UI Buttons and Lamps-
Transport Surfaces-
Gripping and aligning parts-
Hierarchy Window Icons-
3D mouse scene navigation-
Mouse scene navigation-
Touch scene navigation-
Simulation functions
Visual Editor for Simulation Pathes
Linear, Circular, Spline Pathes
Station (Work, Load, Unload)
Flexible Path Logics
Linear, Circular, Spline Pathes
Simulation of conveyors-, power & free- and AGV systems
Conveyor Library
Straight Belt Conveyor
Curve Belt Conveyor
Straight Roller Conveyor
Curve Roller Conveyor
Random source
Guide Rolls
Chain Transfer
Snap Points